Content from Introduction

Last updated on 2023-03-22 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 6 minutes



  • Why not use a general purpose language like bash or python for writing workflows?
  • What problems do workflow languages solve?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of Snakemake?
  • What will be covered in this workshop?


  • Understand why one would use a workflow language like Snakemake
  • Understand the goals of the workshop

Workflow Challenges

Using a general purpose language like bash or python can be challenging:

  • Not re-running the whole pipeline every time
  • Adapting the pipeline to run in different environments
  • Providing dependencies for tools
  • Tracking progress of the workflow

Workflow language features

  • Portable
  • Reproducible
  • Scalable
  • Reusable

List of workflow languages:

Strengths of Snakemake

  • Readability
  • Only creates missing or out of date files
  • Flexible control over which files are created
  • Is python with some additional rule syntax
  • Dynamic branching
    • Workflow isn’t fixed at start up.
    • Outputs of commands can be used determined what happens next.

Weaknesses of Snakemake

  • Requires learning rule based logic instead of procedural logic
  • Requires some python code/knowledge for typical workflows

Class Plan

  • Create Snakemake Workflow that
    • Runs R scripts for filtering and final analysis
    • Runs Machine Learning Components
    • Efficiently processes many files at the same time
    • Reuses an existing Snakemake workflow

Content from Project Setup

Last updated on 2023-03-21 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 6 minutes



  • How do I create a directory with the necessary files for this class?


  • Connect to OSC
  • Create a directory
  • Open a Web Terminal in that Directory
  • Copy lesson files into place
  • Copy cached singularity images into place

Log into OSC

  • Visit
  • Login with your credentials.
  • From the top menu select Files -> Home Directory
  • Click the New Directory button
    • Enter SnakemakeWorkflow for the directory name
  • Click “SnakemakeWorkflow” in the Name column the list of files and folders
  • Click “Open in Terminal”

Copy Lesson Files

Some files are provided for this lesson. These files need to be copied into the “SnakemakeWorkflow” subdirectory within your home directory. You should be within the SnakemakeWorkflow directory before running this step.

Verify Directory

Run the following command to ensure you are in the appropriate directory:



The output should look similar to the following:



Copy Files

Run the following command to copy these files into your current directory (SnakemakeWorkflow):


cp -r /fs/ess/PAS2136/Workshops/Snakemake/files/* .

Next run the ls command to ensure you have all the needed files:



Expected Output:


multimedia.csv  Scripts  slurm

Lesson Files

  • multimedia.csv - Main input file of fish images used by the workflow
  • Scripts/
    • - Used to activates snakemake conda environment and other utilities
    • FilterImagesHardCoded.R - Rscript that filters a CSV for a target species with hard coded filenames
    • FilterImages.R - R script that filters a CSV for a target species
    • SummaryReport.R - R script that builds a summary report of the workflow outputs
    • Summary.Rmd - R markdown script used by SummaryReport.R to create a report
  • - sbatch script used to run the workflow using SLURM
  • slurm/ - Directory containing a config file used by Snakemake to run SLURM jobs

The main input file (multimedia.csv) was downloaded from

Setup Snakemake Singularity Cache

To avoid waiting for singularity containers to pull we will copy cached containers inline.


mkdir -p .snakemake/singularity
cp /fs/ess/PAS2136/Workshops/Snakemake/singularity_images/* .snakemake/singularity/.

Content from Environment Setup

Last updated on 2023-03-20 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 8 minutes



  • How do I setup an shell environment to use Snakemake?


  • Start an interactive session on a worker node
  • Setup the shell environment
  • Verify versions of snakemake and R

Start Interactive Session

Since we will be running some heavy processing starting an interactive job is important. Otherwise this processing would occcur on a login node and cause issues for other cluster users.

Start an interactive session that will remain active for 1 hour of by running:


sinteractive -t 01:00:00 -A PAS2136

Software Environment Setup

Run the following steps from within an OSC ondemand terminal within the “SnakemakeWorkflow” subdirectory.

Activate the Snakemake environment:


. Scripts/

NOTE: The leading dot followed by a space is important. This causes the settings in to be applied to your current terminal session.

Expected Output:


Activating R module that can be used with R scripts.
This module will switch Compiler environment to gnu/11.2.0 and load mkl/2021.3.0 for R/4.2.1
Lmod is automatically replacing "intel/19.0.5" with "gnu/11.2.0".
The following have been reloaded with a version change:
  1) mvapich2/2.3.3 => mvapich2/2.3.6
Configuring R to use the yaml package.
Configuring singularity to use a cache to speed up pulling containers.

Test snakemake with the –version flag


snakemake --version

Expected Output:



Test R –version flag


R --version

Expected Output:


R version 4.2.1 ...

New Terminal Sessions

If you close your terminal, create a new terminal, or reach the 1 hour timeout you will need to setup your environment again. To do so rerun the following two steps:


sinteractive -t 01:00:00 -A PAS2136
. Scripts/

Content from Create a Workflow

Last updated on 2023-03-20 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 16 minutes



  • How do you create a Snakemake Workflow?
  • How do you run a Snakemake Workflow?


  • Create a workflow with a single rule
  • Run a snakemake workflow
  • Understand snakemake output
  • Reduce filename duplication using wildcards
  • Represent non-file inputs using a param

Snakemake Workflow

A Snakemake workflow is a list of rules.

Commonly used parts of a rule are:

  • name - unique name for a rule
  • input - input filenames used by a command
  • params - non-file input values used by a command
  • output - output filenames created by a command
  • container - singularity container to run command within
  • shell - command to run

Rule pattern:

rule <name>:
    input: ...
    params: ...
    output: ...
    container: ...
    shell: ...

Create a Snakemake Workflow

For our first step we will reduce the size of the multimedia.csv input file saving the result as reduce/multimedia.csv. This CSV file contains a header line followed by data lines. So to save the first 10 data lines we will need the first 11 lines in total. This can be accomplished with the shell head command passing the --n 11 argument. Run the following command in your terminal to see the first 11 lines printed out.


head -n 11 multimedia.csv

To save this output we will change the command like so:

head -n 11 multimedia.csv > reduce/multimedia.csv

Create a text file named Snakefile with the following contents:

rule reduce:
    input: "multimedia.csv"
    output: "reduce/multimedia.csv"
    shell: "head -n 11 multimedia.csv > reduce/multimedia.csv"

This code creates a Snakemake rule named reduce with a input file multimedia.csv, a output file reduce/multimedia.csv, and the shell command from above. Snakemake will automatically create the reduce directory for us before running the shell command. A common pattern is to output files in a directory named after the rule. This will help you keep track of which rule created a specific file.

Run the Workflow



Expected Error Output:


Error: you need to specify the maximum number of CPU cores
to be used at the same time. If you want to use N cores,
say --cores N or -cN. For all cores on your system
(be sure that this is appropriate) use --cores all.
For no parallelization use --cores 1 or -c1....

The snakemake command has a single required argument that specifies how manu CPU cores to use when running a workflow. Until we want to scale up our workflow we are fine using 1 core.

Run snakemake specifying 1 core:


snakemake -c1

Expected Output:


Building DAG of jobs...
Using shell: /usr/bin/bash
Provided cores: 1 (use --cores to define parallelism)
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Job stats:
job       count    min threads    max threads
------  -------  -------------  -------------
reduce        1              1              1
total         1              1              1
Select jobs to execute...
[Mon Feb 27 11:28:29 2023]
rule reduce:
    input: multimedia.csv
    output: reduce/multimedia.csv
    jobid: 0
    reason: Missing output files: reduce/multimedia.csv
    resources: tmpdir=/tmp
[Mon Feb 27 11:28:29 2023]
Finished job 0.
1 of 1 steps (100%) done
Complete log: .snakemake/log/2023-02-27T112816.505955.snakemake.log

Notice the reason logging Missing output files: reduce/multimedia.csv. This tells you why snakemake is running this rule. In this case it is because the output file reduce/multimedia.csv is missing.

Try running the workflow again:


snakemake -c1

Expected Output:

Building DAG of jobs...
Nothing to be done (all requested files are present and up to date).
Complete log: .snakemake/log/2023-02-27T113325.906186.snakemake.log

Reduce duplication using wildcards

Within the shell command the input and output files can be referenced using wildcards. This will reduce duplication simplifing filename changes.

Change the shell line in the Snakefile as follows:

rule reduce:
    input: "multimedia.csv"
    output: "reduce/multimedia.csv"
    shell: "head -n 11 {input} > {output}"

Represent non-file inputs using a param

Currently the reduce rule grabs the top 11 rows. Since the meaning of this number may not be obvious and we are likely to change this number in the future a better option is to use this non-file input as a param.

Add a new params setting to the rule and use the params.rows wildcard in the shell as follows:

rule reduce:
  input: "multimedia.csv"
  params: rows="11"
  output: "reduce/multimedia.csv"
  shell: "head -n {params.rows} {input} > {output}"

Notice how we assigned a name “rows” to the parameter. Assigning a name like this can also be done for the input and output filenames as well.

Try running the workflow again:


snakemake -c1

Notice the reason has changed


    reason: Code has changed since last execution; Params have changed since last execution

Content from Add an R Script

Last updated on 2023-03-20 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 18 minutes



  • How can I create a rule using an RStudio friendly R script?
  • How can I control what files Snakemake creates?


  • Create a rule that uses an RStudio friendly R script.
  • Run snakemake specifying a target output file
  • Create an all rule to control the default output files
  • Use a YAML config file to avoid filename duplication

RStudio friendly Rules

Next we want to add an R script that will filter an input CSV file for the species of our choosing. We want this R script to be easily runnable within RStudio. To accomplish this we want to avoid passing command line arguments to the R script as this is difficult to accommodate within RStudio.

See the hard coded paths in the R script


head Scripts/FilterImagesHardCoded.R


input_path <- "reduce/multimedia.csv"
output_path <- "filter/multimedia.csv"

Run a filtering R script

Add a new rule to the bottom of Snakefile:

rule filter:
  output: "filter/multimedia.csv"
  shell: "Rscript {input.script}"


snakemake -c1

Expected Output:


Building DAG of jobs...
Nothing to be done (all requested files are present and up to date).
Complete log: .snakemake/log/2023-02-28T164348.500545.snakemake.log

Snakemake didn’t create the filter/multimedia.csv.

Snakemake Target Files

When Snakemake starts up it first determines a set of target files to create. By default the target files are determined from the first rule unless filenames are passed along the command line to snakemake. After determining the target files Snakemake looks through the rules and creates job plan (called a DAG) to create the desired target.

Create a desired file

For our workflow the first rule is the reduce rule. To change the target file you can just pass it as an argument to snakemake. This is a nice way to build different files from your workflow when developing it.

Run snakemake specifying filter/multimedia.csv as the target.


snakemake -c1 filter/multimedia.csv

Run snakemake specifying a non-existant target


snakemake -c1 winninglotterynumbers.txt


Building DAG of jobs...
No rule to produce winninglotterynumbers.txt (if you use input functions make sure that they don't raise unexpected exceptions).

Add a default rule

At the top of Snakefile add a new rule

rule all:
    input: "filter/multimedia.csv"

Test it out by removing filter/multimedia.csv and running snakemake with no target

rm filter/multimedia.csv
snakemake -c1

See how the R script reads from the config file:


head Scripts/FilterImages.R

Use a config file to avoid filename duplication

A better option to allow easy changes to the rows param is to store this value in a config file. Snakemake comes with support for parsing and using a YAML config file.

Create a new file named config.yaml with the following contents:

reduce_multimedia: reduce/multimedia.csv
filter_multimedia: filter/multimedia.csv

Then update your Snakefile to adding the config file location and using config.yaml to lookup filenames:

configfile: "config.yaml"

rule all:
    input: config["filter_multimedia"]

rule reduce:
  input: "multimedia.csv"
  params: rows="11"
  output: config["reduce_multimedia"]
  shell: "head -n {params.rows} {input} > {output}"

rule filter:
  output: config["filter_multimedia"]
  shell: "Rscript {input.script}"

Running the workflow again:


snakemake -c1

Content from Process multiple files

Last updated on 2023-03-21 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 22 minutes



  • How can I check a Snakefile without running the whole workflow?
  • How can I create a generic rule that can process multiple files?
  • How can I use a python function as part of a rule?
  • How do I tell snakemake to create a certain file before running a python function?


  • Determine a filename plan to download images
  • Create a pattern rule to download multiple image files
  • Use a python function as a params input
  • Setup a checkpoint to ensure a file exists before running a python function.

Snakemake Dry Run

When developing a workflow running the entire workflow after every change can be time intensive. To help with this snakemake has a --dry-run flag that will validate the Snakefile and show what it would do. Try this now:

snakemake -c1 --dry-run

Create a filename plan to save images

When downloading images from the internet it is important to avoid filename clashes. To avoid this problem deciding on a plan for naming the files is important.

The input CSV (multimedia.csv) was downloaded from This multimedia.csv file we are using is only meant to be used for this workshop and should not be used for any particular research purpose. To create a real world dataset you could use the website that replaces the website I used to download this file.

When viewed within RStudio the data looks like this: multimedia CSV screenshot

The Tulane multimedia.csv documentation describes the arkID column as:

Multimedia unique identifier number

arkID seems like a good identifier to use in our image filenames.

For the multimedia row with arkID dd216t3d we will save the downloaded image as:


Use wget to download an image


wget -O test.jpg

Create a rule that uses a python function

Add a rule to download a single image that uses a python function param:

def get_image_url(wildcards):
    base_image_url = ""
    return base_image_url + "dd216t3d.jpg"

rule download_image:
    params: url=get_image_url
    output: "Images/dd216t3d.jpg"
    shell: "wget -O {output} {params.url}"

NOTE: Make sure you are using -O and not -o for the wget argument.

Make the rule generic with a pattern rule

Change this rule to be a pattern rule by adding a wildcard expression in an output filename.

def get_image_url(wildcards):
    base_url = ""
    return base_url + wildcards.ark_id + ".jpg"

rule download_image:
    params: url=get_image_url
    output: "Images/{ark_id}.jpg"
    shell: "wget -O {output} {params.url}"

Run this rule:


snakemake -c1 --dry-run Images/hd529k3h.jpg

Add python logic to lookup the URL

Add a pandas import to the top of Snakefile:

import pandas as pd

Change the get_image_url function to read the CSV file and add the file as a rule input:

def get_image_url(wildcards):
    filename = "multimedia.csv"
    df = pd.read_csv(filename)
    row = df[df["arkID"] == wildcards.ark_id]
    url = row["accessURI"].item()
    return url

rule download_image:
    params: url=get_image_url
    output: "Images/{ark_id}.jpg"
    shell: "wget -O {output} {params.url}"

Run snakemake:


snakemake -c1 --dry-run Images/hd529k3h.jpg

Updating all rule

Update the all rule adding a function that returns the list of all images that should be created.

def get_image_filenames(wildcards):
    filename = config["filter_multimedia"]
    df = pd.read_csv(filename)
    ark_ids = df["arkID"].tolist()
    return expand("Images/{ark_id}.jpg", ark_id=ark_ids)

rule all:
    input: get_image_filenames


snakemake -c1

Test starting from scratch


rm -rf reduce filter Images
snakemake -c1


Building DAG of jobs...
FileNotFoundError in file /users/PAS2136/jbradley/SnakemakeWorkflow/Snakefile, line 7:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'filter/multimedia.csv'

Require a file exists before a python function is used

To fix the FileNotFoundError error we need to inform Snakemake that it needs to wait for the filter/multimedia.csv file to be created before Snakemake runs the function.

We need two changes to fix the error:

  1. Change the filter rule to be a checkpoint instead of a simple rule. This is done by changing the word “rule” to “checkpoint”.
  2. Add code to the function requesting the output of the filter checkpoint.

Update the get_image_filenames function and filter rule/checkpoint as follows:

def get_image_filenames(wildcards):
    filename = checkpoints.filter.get().output[0]
    df = pd.read_csv(filename)
    ark_ids = df["arkID"].tolist()
    return expand("Images/{ark_id}.jpg", ark_id=ark_ids)

checkpoint filter:
  output: config["filter_multimedia"]
  shell: "Rscript {input.script}"

Run downloading multiple files


snakemake -c1

Ensure the downloaded files are jpg


file Images/*


Images/88624536.jpg: JPEG image data, EXIF standard
Images/9x56f44c.jpg: JPEG image data, EXIF standard
Images/bj373514.jpg: JPEG image data, EXIF standard
Images/dp60604r.jpg: JPEG image data, EXIF standard
Images/hd529k3h.jpg: JPEG image data, EXIF standard
Images/t868dr68.jpg: JPEG image data, EXIF standard

Content from Use a container

Last updated on 2023-03-20 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 8 minutes



  • How can I make my workflow more reproducible?
  • How do you use a docker image with Snakemake?
  • How do I enable containers with snakemake?


  • Use a container in a rule
  • Run snakemake with the –use-singularity argument

Snakemake dependency management

  • containers
    • exact software versions on later installs
    • support for
      • docker container images
      • singularity container images
  • conda environments
    • may result in different software versions on later installs
    • powerful but might not install in every environment

Singularity Container Image URI

Pulling a container with docker (won’t work on OSC):


docker pull alpine:3


bash: docker: command not found

Pulling a docker container with singularity:

singularity pull docker://alpine:3

Singularity supports multiple container types so you must prefix docker container image URIs with docker://.

Use container when downloading images

Update the download_image rule to use the docker container image URI

rule download_image:
    params: url=get_image_url
    container: "docker://"
    shell: "wget -O {output} {params.url}"

NOTE: You must put the container line before the shell line.

Delete an image then run snakemake passing the –use-singularity flag


rm Images/hd529k3h.jpg
snakemake -c1 --use-singularity Images/hd529k3h.jpg


Building DAG of jobs...
Pulling singularity image docker://
Using shell: /usr/bin/bash
Activating singularity image /users/PAS2136/jbradley/SnakemakeWorkflow/.snakemake/singularity/3a63838ec9e2427957182dedc234c8d7.simg

Content from Reuse another workflow

Last updated on 2023-03-20 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 9 minutes



  • What is needed to re-use another Snakemake workflow?


  • Re-use parts of the BGNN_Core_Workflow Snakemake Workflow

Reusing Another Workflow

To re-use a workflow you generally need:

  • Where to find workflow? - github “hdr-bgnn/BGNN_Core_Workflow”
  • What is the relative path to the Snakefile? “workflow/Snakefile”
  • What tag or version to use? “1.0.0”
  • What file naming convention is the workflow using?
  • What dependencies must be manually installed?

See source code for the workflow

If there is a filename mismatch you can either change your workflow or override settings in the rule.

module bgnn_core:
        github("hdr-bgnn/BGNN_Core_Workflow", path="workflow/Snakefile", tag="1.0.0")

use rule generate_metadata from bgnn_core


snakemake -c1 --use-singularity DrexelMetadata/bj373514.json

Bring in additional rules from BGNN_Core_Workflow

use rule transform_metadata from bgnn_core
use rule crop_image from bgnn_core
use rule segment_image from bgnn_core


snakemake -c1 --use-singularity Segmented/hd529k3h_segmented.png

Content from Add Summary Analysis

Last updated on 2023-03-20 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 6 minutes



  • How can we specify a rule that has many dynamic input files?


  • Add a summary rule that requires Segmented images
  • Use expand function to simplify creating filenames

Add summary_report to config.yaml:


head Scripts/SummaryReport.R


config <- yaml::read_yaml(file = "config.yaml")
filtered_images_path <- config$filter_multimedia
output_path <- config$summary_report

filtered_images <- read.csv(file = filtered_images_path)

dir.create(dirname(output_path), showWarnings = FALSE)
rmarkdown::render("Scripts/Summary.Rmd", output_file=basename(output_path), output_dir=dirname(output_path))

Edit config.yaml adding summary_report:

summary_report: summary/report.html

Change the all rule to require summary/report.html in Snakefile:

rule all:
    inputs: config["summary_report"]

Add a new function that gathers the inputs for the summary rule and a summary rule:

def get_seg_filenames(wildcards):
  filename = checkpoints.filter.get().output[0]
  df = pd.read_csv(filename)
  ark_ids = df["arkID"].tolist()
  return expand('Segmented/{arkID}_segmented.png', arkID=ark_ids)

rule summary:
  output: config["summary_report"]
  container: "docker://"
  shell: "Rscript {input.script}"

Run snakemake to create the summary/report.


snakemake -c1 --use-singularity --dry-run

Content from Run at Scale

Last updated on 2023-03-20 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 14 minutes



  • How can I efficently scale up my workflow in a cluster?


  • Add a memory requirement to a rule
  • View a generic sbatch script to run a workflow at scale
  • Run the workflow at scale

Running with Slurm

  • Ensure rules request appropriate resources
    • threads/cpus
    • memory
    • requires a gpu
  • Configure snakemake to submit slurm jobs
  • Run main snakemake job in a background job

See Snakemake threads/resources docs for details on how to request different resources such as threads, memory, and gpus.

Annotating memory requirements

Update the reduce rule to request a specific amount of memory.

rule reduce:
    input: "multimedia.csv"
    params: rows="11"
    output: "reduce/multimedia.csv"
    shell: "head -n {params.rows} {input} > {output}"

Review sbatch script

The script was copied into your SnakemakeWorkflow during the project setup step. Run the following command to view it:



#SBATCH --account=PAS2136
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
. Scripts/
snakemake --jobs $JOBS --use-singularity --profile slurm/

Run Background job and monitor progress

Run snakemake in the background scaling up




Submitted batch job 23985835

Monitor job

squeue -u $LOGNAME
tail -f slurm-<sbatch_job_number>.out

Notice new job logs

Where did my logs go?


ls logs/