Process multiple files

Last updated on 2023-03-21 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 22 minutes



  • How can I check a Snakefile without running the whole workflow?
  • How can I create a generic rule that can process multiple files?
  • How can I use a python function as part of a rule?
  • How do I tell snakemake to create a certain file before running a python function?


  • Determine a filename plan to download images
  • Create a pattern rule to download multiple image files
  • Use a python function as a params input
  • Setup a checkpoint to ensure a file exists before running a python function.

Snakemake Dry Run

When developing a workflow running the entire workflow after every change can be time intensive. To help with this snakemake has a --dry-run flag that will validate the Snakefile and show what it would do. Try this now:

snakemake -c1 --dry-run

Create a filename plan to save images

When downloading images from the internet it is important to avoid filename clashes. To avoid this problem deciding on a plan for naming the files is important.

The input CSV (multimedia.csv) was downloaded from This multimedia.csv file we are using is only meant to be used for this workshop and should not be used for any particular research purpose. To create a real world dataset you could use the website that replaces the website I used to download this file.

When viewed within RStudio the data looks like this: multimedia CSV screenshot

The Tulane multimedia.csv documentation describes the arkID column as:

Multimedia unique identifier number

arkID seems like a good identifier to use in our image filenames.

For the multimedia row with arkID dd216t3d we will save the downloaded image as:


Use wget to download an image


wget -O test.jpg

Create a rule that uses a python function

Add a rule to download a single image that uses a python function param:

def get_image_url(wildcards):
    base_image_url = ""
    return base_image_url + "dd216t3d.jpg"

rule download_image:
    params: url=get_image_url
    output: "Images/dd216t3d.jpg"
    shell: "wget -O {output} {params.url}"

NOTE: Make sure you are using -O and not -o for the wget argument.

Make the rule generic with a pattern rule

Change this rule to be a pattern rule by adding a wildcard expression in an output filename.

def get_image_url(wildcards):
    base_url = ""
    return base_url + wildcards.ark_id + ".jpg"

rule download_image:
    params: url=get_image_url
    output: "Images/{ark_id}.jpg"
    shell: "wget -O {output} {params.url}"

Run this rule:


snakemake -c1 --dry-run Images/hd529k3h.jpg

Add python logic to lookup the URL

Add a pandas import to the top of Snakefile:

import pandas as pd

Change the get_image_url function to read the CSV file and add the file as a rule input:

def get_image_url(wildcards):
    filename = "multimedia.csv"
    df = pd.read_csv(filename)
    row = df[df["arkID"] == wildcards.ark_id]
    url = row["accessURI"].item()
    return url

rule download_image:
    params: url=get_image_url
    output: "Images/{ark_id}.jpg"
    shell: "wget -O {output} {params.url}"

Run snakemake:


snakemake -c1 --dry-run Images/hd529k3h.jpg

Updating all rule

Update the all rule adding a function that returns the list of all images that should be created.

def get_image_filenames(wildcards):
    filename = config["filter_multimedia"]
    df = pd.read_csv(filename)
    ark_ids = df["arkID"].tolist()
    return expand("Images/{ark_id}.jpg", ark_id=ark_ids)

rule all:
    input: get_image_filenames


snakemake -c1

Test starting from scratch


rm -rf reduce filter Images
snakemake -c1


Building DAG of jobs...
FileNotFoundError in file /users/PAS2136/jbradley/SnakemakeWorkflow/Snakefile, line 7:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'filter/multimedia.csv'

Require a file exists before a python function is used

To fix the FileNotFoundError error we need to inform Snakemake that it needs to wait for the filter/multimedia.csv file to be created before Snakemake runs the function.

We need two changes to fix the error:

  1. Change the filter rule to be a checkpoint instead of a simple rule. This is done by changing the word “rule” to “checkpoint”.
  2. Add code to the function requesting the output of the filter checkpoint.

Update the get_image_filenames function and filter rule/checkpoint as follows:

def get_image_filenames(wildcards):
    filename = checkpoints.filter.get().output[0]
    df = pd.read_csv(filename)
    ark_ids = df["arkID"].tolist()
    return expand("Images/{ark_id}.jpg", ark_id=ark_ids)

checkpoint filter:
  output: config["filter_multimedia"]
  shell: "Rscript {input.script}"

Run downloading multiple files


snakemake -c1

Ensure the downloaded files are jpg


file Images/*


Images/88624536.jpg: JPEG image data, EXIF standard
Images/9x56f44c.jpg: JPEG image data, EXIF standard
Images/bj373514.jpg: JPEG image data, EXIF standard
Images/dp60604r.jpg: JPEG image data, EXIF standard
Images/hd529k3h.jpg: JPEG image data, EXIF standard
Images/t868dr68.jpg: JPEG image data, EXIF standard